How To Clean Alcantara

To maintain the brilliant appearance of Alcantara, we advise regular cleaning.


Product upholstery of Alcantara is not removable. 

Do not put it in the washing machine.

Avoid using printed absorbent cloths or papers.

Do not rub excessively.

Do not use steam equipment.

Never pour cleaning liquid directly on the material.

Daily Cleaning: 

To keep your Alcantara material clean on a daily basis, you can use a soft brush, a dry cloth, or a vacuum cleaner to remove dust and debris.

Weekly Cleaning: 

After you've done your daily dusting, take a white cotton cloth slightly moistened with water and gently wipe the Alcantara surface. Avoid using printed absorbent cloths or papers, as they might transfer ink onto the material.

Yearly Cleaning:

  1. Gently remove dust from the material.
  2. Dampen a soft cloth or sponge with clean water, ensuring it's not overly wet.
  3. Carefully wipe the entire Alcantara® surface.
  4. Rinse the cloth or sponge and repeat the process as needed.
  5. Allow it to air dry, which may take overnight.
  6. Once dry, use a soft bristle brush to delicately restore the material's texture.

These steps are aimed at effectively cleaning and maintaining Alcantara® while being mindful of its delicate nature.

General Decontamination / Stain Instructions -

  1. Act promptly, ideally within 30 minutes of the stain occurring, and start treating it from the outer edges towards the center to prevent the stain from spreading further.
  2. Never pour a cleaning product directly onto the Alcantara material.
  3. Before addressing the stain, remove any solid substances that may have fallen on the upholstery. For thick substances like yogurt or jam, use a spoon or a plastic spatula. For liquids, use non-printed absorbent paper or a sponge.
  4. Avoid vigorous rubbing, as it can cause the stain to spread or penetrate deeper into the material.
  5. Use a white cloth or a well-wrung sponge to remove the stains.
  6. If you opt for a sponge, remember to rinse it in clean water and wring it out thoroughly between each wipe.

Water-Soluble Stains

  1. For stains like fruit juice, jam, syrup, ketchup, use lukewarm water and gently rinse by dabbing with clean water.
  2. For stains like blood, egg, excrement, urine, use cold water, as warm water may cause coagulation. Rinse by dabbing with clean water.
  3. For stains from liquors, alcoholic beverages, wine, beer, coke, and tea, use lukewarm water. If the stain persists, treat it with lemon juice and then rinse thoroughly.
  4. For stains from indelible pencil, cocoa, chocolate, pastries with cream or chocolate, ice cream, mustard, use lukewarm water, and rinse by dabbing with clean water.
  5. For stains from vinegar, hair gel, tomato sauce, coffee with sugar, use lemon juice and then wipe with lukewarm water. Rinse by dabbing with clean water.

Stains Not Soluble in Water:

  1. For stains like lipstick, foundation, mascara, eye-shadow, perfume, shoe polish, oil, and grease, rub with ethyl alcohol, then with water, and rinse.
  2. For grass stains and felt tips, rub with ethyl alcohol, then with water, and rinse. Act quickly on grass stains to prevent them from setting.
  3. For chewing gum and wax, place a plastic bag filled with ice on the stain until the material hardens. Remove the hardened pieces and then treat with ethyl alcohol.

Resistant Stains:

Repeat the above treatments as often as necessary. Even stains not soluble in water may need water treatment afterward.

Old Stains of Unknown Origin:

  1. Begin by treating with lukewarm water and rinse by dabbing with clean water.
  2. If the stain starts to dissolve in water, repeat the treatment as needed.
  3. Allow it to dry, and if necessary, treat with ethyl alcohol.

These instructions should help you effectively address various types of stains on our Alcantara product range.
